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GIRLS meets THE OFFICE and RON BURGUNDY for drinks abroad in this high concept comedy about a fresh marketing graduate in her first real job, only in this story no one gets laid because lets face it you wouldn’t really want to sleep with any of those characters would you?
SPANISH ANGSTis a must read for anyone who dreams of relaxing in a foreign culture and highlights the humour in the gaps where misunderstandings lie.
Bella del Amo is a promising 23 year old who leaves the USA to find greener grass in sunny Spain, but her Madrid experience doesn’t live up to her expectations.
The owner of the firm where she works believes all around him exist solely to increase his personal wealth. Her attempts to find a better job seem surreal. She can’t get a decent meal. No one seems to understand her accent and her matchmaking flat mate keeps setting her up with losers.
She’s just too American, feminist and goal oriented for the people she encounters. The ensuing cultural clashes provide grand entertainment.
SPANISH ANGST: What I Wish I’d Known BEFORE I Moved To Madrid, is now available for purchase from Amazon or on order from your local bookstore. Click on the links section below to choose a bookstore that carries it.
en español:
Deseo poderme dedicar a algo que me interese a mi, y no al enriquecimiento ajeno. Ojalá todo el mundo compre una copia de mi guión en formato libro publicado bajo el nombre SPANISH ANGST – osease ANGUSTIA ESPAÑOLA – ya que es una historia divertida y graciosa que seguramente te hará reír a la vez que pensar “qué mierda, como sufrimos los currantes de los madriles”